I offer a sensual body-to-body massage with skin-nourishing oils, mood lighting and a curated soundtrack to lay down and relax to. I have a private incall space in Rosemont/Petite-Patrie with a discreet back entrance for privacy.

My rates for massage are for a sensual body-to-body massage with a happy ending.

When you arrive, I will take the full balance in cash, and you are asked to shower the most important parts. I have clean towels, washcloths, unscented soap and mouthwash for your convenience. This is mandatory. If you refuse to shower, fake shower, or have really bad hygiene, you will be asked to leave. I will be clean and ready for you. It’ll only take you 5 minutes!

It's important to understand the massage will be me massaging and touching you only, otherwise things will get awkward! I have extras available, please ask before the session so you know how much to bring in cash. I don't take e-transfer for extras on the spot, or any payments after our session, which is why its so important to discuss beforehand and make sure you have extra cash!

Any touching me, me having to say no more than once, or you repeatedly crossing my boundaries and you’ll have to leave immediately.

My website is given to all clients first contact, by the time you arrive I’ll expect you to know my policies.

Really, just be on time, be prepared, pay me, shower and respect boundaries and we'll have a good time! Promise. :)

I hope to see you soon!